

Friday, September 23, 2011

A Princess Tale, from Lori

I’ve met few princesses in my life. Destiny Ann Burton is one of them. I visited her family once when she three. As we cut through a small park near her home, she twirled her slight frame again and again, delighting in the flair of her pink ruffled skirt. She talked to the flowers and the wind finding them a more adequate audience for her tales than the grown ups she was with. But the snatches of these stories we heard astounded us with their complexity. Destiny’s fanciful universe became a serious study of science and ethics as she wove plot and action together.

Later, I saw Destiny apply these lessons as she demanded fair treatment for herself when her space was invaded by her older brother. She also made sure an outsider (myself) was welcomed and attended to. She made sure I had sustenance (cookies) and warmth (a blanket). She provided me with good company and amusement by playing troubadour and court acrobat as she performed amazing feats on the top of her swing set. And these lessons were further applied as her smile faded and her eyes smoldered when she perceived her mother the recipient of unfair treatment.

Now at age five, Destiny struggles to hang on to her grace and agility.
This little princess struggles to tell her stories and she struggles to remember her lessons as a rare genetic mutation called Dravet Syndrome, characterized by uncontrollable seizures, attacks her brain.

Please help this Princess get the medication that she needs so that her Fairy Tale continues in health and happiness!

With Love and Fairy Dust, Lori

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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