This video was taken on our last day in the hospital! I think the spaghetti-mouth just adds to the song!
Ms. Destiny Ann improves each day!
On Monday, she practiced writing the this is not an easy feat for this little girl, but she did it happily!

Notice her new highchair - known to her as her table rocket chair. Notice her "Princess Crown Helmet" and her sippy cup! This child loves them all!! - She truly has the best attitude and i am so lucky! (Her mama is still adjusting to the changes...fortunately these things mean something entirely different to Desty than they do to me.)
Things change, we evolve and Life Goes On.
On Tuesday, we woke Desty up @ 9:45AM, and had her try Patchwork from 11-12:30...This was the first day after Patchwork that she hasn't fallen asleep in my arms @ pick-up!!!! And I kept saying, "she looks so good!"

She then went with Jamie, our Super-Sitter/LPN and continued to have a good afternoon and evening, and only taking brief cat-naps.
I, on the other hand, napped deeply for 4 hours!!! I finally woke up @ 6PM screaming, "Where's Desty?". PTSD! I thought it was AM and Desty was gone...I forgot I took a nap!
Today was a great Desty Day!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Tammy, so glad to hear that things are going better.